Monday, August 23, 2010

gut check

i love the weekend its a great time to devise ways to punish your body, training that is. p90x is in full swing as is prep for upcoming triathlon meaning bricks so saturday went down as follows: p90x in the morning back and shoulders these are followed by daily routines of different focus areas on the body over 12 days then the fun repeats itself, i hear yoga is one of the hardest, prolly because i cant balance on one foot, cant wait. 

following the am workout ate some grub eggies with potato and tomato, you know what they say if you didn't grow it or kill it you shouldn't eat it. next up an hour of band training in the pool, boy does my mind wander during these little sessions of joy. there are three lions on the tile wall that runs the length of the pool.  i pull as hard as i can against the bands swimming harder and harder until i pass the second lion. kicking and swimming harder and harder i can feel the pain from the p90x workout in the upper body, plus swimming is a lot of upper body, back off competing with lions that don't move on the wall and swim easy now long strides coasting backward to the first lion. 

15 more min to go, kick it in lets go for that damn third lion on the wall, i somehow breath in a large quantity of water, suck it up theres no bottom of the pool in the ocean beyach. harder now im passing the second lion but try as i might i can not get to the third lion. oh well he's not going any where.  times up cool down for 3 min and im outa the pool, yipee can't wait to train tomorrow.

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