Friday, January 7, 2011

bringing the heat

i have a blog friend over on another site that is whimpering about a tough year in 2010. actually i shouldn't poke fun because i think her story is legit and if not for setbacks last year, she would school me in any race.

as for me it was an epic year till november when i decided to coast for a while. a while became a long while and a few drinks became a few too many and too often. thus my svelte racing form became eh, muffin like by jan. when a close friend coaxed me out for a friendly 10k i was, as he stated in his british accent, absolutely miserable.

that said i throw down the following challenge. i will be in competitive condition by end february even with a trip to india i have scheduled and i will be back in top form by march.

my challenge goes out to kat to do the same. enter a race of your choosing and finish in the top one third by june and i will reimburse your entry fee or make a donation to a charity of your choosing.

n8 soul


Kit Kat said...

Wow! I feel honored.
I am going to do the Wildflower HIM the first weekend of May. I've actually never not finished in the top third. I'm not being boastful just honest. But because my competitive spirit has been MIA for such a long time - this could be the year.
I accept your challenge. :) Thank you. I needed this.

n8 soul said...

i will be there, game on :)