Thursday, September 9, 2010

messages from max

out of the gate i have to tell you that max is my dog. if ur still strange enough then continue reading if not i wouldn't blame you for dismissing this post.  messages from max, a dog, really? wack!

first max is no ordinary dog, he's a miniature pincher 12 pounds of lightning in a compact frame. he plays games with rottweilers and labs in the park. he is all offense, no defense, his game is speed and reflexes, he can not be caught unless he wants to be. for fun ive offered teenage boys in the park a 20 spot if they can catch him only to see max take them on a hundred yard dash then come straight back toward his opponent, fake right, dart left and BAM face down on the grass. another victim.

mini pins are ratters meaning they hunt varmints. anything that moves in the yard is game on.  i don't promote his doing this but i have seen him close on a bird, the bird didn't fly up, it flew out across the lawn, mistake. i saw max hit a second gear and actually faster then the bird he knocked it down and well you get the idea, he's fast ok.

so what is the message from max? well, happiness for starters he is always, always happy. also max does things on his terms, min pins are different in that way. like the outside world we live in, you sort of try to give him the rules, things like go potty now, stay, sit and things like that. max does these things clearly because he has decided to. it's not because i say do it, he tells me when he wants to go outside for potty or when he wants to eat. he owns his world.

in maxes world yesterday is ancient history, today is worth savoring every second, tomorrow will be a new adventure so what are you down about? your a triathlete, run as fast as you can, swim as far as you can, play hard, eat what ever you want, and sleep harder.

these are the messages from max, own your world!

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